

Prof. Dr. Mukadder BOYDAK ÖZAN - Lecturer Dr. Tuncay Yavuz ÖZDEMİRProf. Dr. Mukadder BOYDAK ÖZAN ? Lecturer Dr. Tuncay Yavuz ÖZDEMİR

Release date 2019
ISBN 978-605-7602-06-0
Printing 2nd Printing
Language Turkish
Pages 280
Cover Type Paperback
Paper Type Book Paper
Boyut 16 x 24 cm

Dear teacher candidates, it is aimed to raise individuals who will ensure the continuity of societies with educational activities. For this purpose, teachers are expected to achieve their educational and instructional goals at the highest possible level. At this stage, let's consider a class. For example, a classroom with 30 students. In fact, when we say 30 students, we are talking about 30 different worlds that come from 30 different social environments and families with 30 different socio-economic levels, 30 different cultures, 30 different mental development levels, 30 different communication skills. The duty of the teacher is to be the sun on these worlds; enlightening the classroom full of differences with the light of education and training, and managing the class like a conductor. Well, in a classroom where there are so many differences, how and with what abilities can the teacher do what is expected of him alone, simply? In this book, answers were sought for these and many similar questions, it was aimed to make in-depth analysis with case studies, and the level of learning was tried to be determined at the end of each chapter with end-of-chapter evaluation questions.